Hello! I am Soares Chen. Actually, my official name is Chen Ruo Fei (陈若飞), but feel free to just call me Soares.

My pronoun is he/him, and I am happily married to my wife Yvonne Ke. I currently live in Leipzig, Germany since 2019.

My ethnicity is Chinese, and I grew up in Penang, Malaysia. Before moving to Germany, I studied at the National University of Singapore, and lived in Singapore for over 10 years.

I am interested in a broad range of topics. In particular, I am most interested in programming language theory, and I wish I will be able to find time to design my own programming language one day.

I have over a decade of experience in programming. I currently work as a Rust engineer at Informal Systems. You can find a list of my previous work experience here.


Email: soares.chen@maybevoid.com